Spieluhr 100 mm Glitzerkugel Katze...
Spieluhr 100 mm Glitzerkugel Katze auf dem Bücherstapel. Die...
Price 41,13 €We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyze traffic to our website. We also share information about your use of our website with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Our partners may combine this information with other data that you have provided to them or that they have collected as part of your use of the Services.
Music boxes by occasion
Special music boxes
Beautiful, romantic snow balls with snow or glitter and different scenes. The special feature is that each snow globe plays a charming melody.
There are 280 products.
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Spieluhr 100 mm Glitzerkugel Katze auf dem Bücherstapel. Die...
Price 41,13 €Santa mit Reh in einer 100 mm Schneekugel auf einer mit Bäumen...
Price 33,57 €Glitter globe 100 mm Sailor, the scene inside the globe turns...
Price 37,77 €Nativity snow globe 100 mm plays the melody Silent night....
Price 31,89 €Snow globe 100 mm sitting Angel. The wind-up music plays a...
Price 36,09 €Glitte globe 100 mm Sparrow, with a Christmas Letter in the...
Price 37,77 €Flower picking fairy. The globe rotates to the melody “Green...
Price 35,25 €Crib snow globe Jesus in the hay. The 100 mm globe rotates to...
Price 31,05 €Globe decorating tree made of poly stone rotates to the melody...
Price 36,93 €Reading bears snow globe made of poly stone, by winding the...
Price 36,93 €Unicorn glitter globe, the unicorn rotates to the sound of “A...
Price 57,10 €Swan lake globe – glitter swirling activated by musical...
Price 59,62 €Glitter globe with carousel horse. The decorated carousel...
Price 35,25 €Snow globe build a snowman. In the globe filled with snow, two...
Price 55,42 €Schneekugel 80 mm Santa am Schornstein. Die Kugel spielt eine...
Price 15,08 €Snow globe 100 mm. Illuminated Winter Village with train. The...
Price 28,53 €Cowboy boots Snow globe with a Angel scene inside. The globe...
Price 62,14 €Sailing boat glitter globe turns to the sound of “Over the...
Price 47,02 €Glitter globe with a coffee house scene, rotates to the sound...
Price 57,10 €Porcelain 100 mm snow globe with a snowy house and carriage...
Price 57,94 €Aquarium glitter globe, the scene inside the globe turns to...
Price 69,71 €Oval Snow globe tree with birds and wild animals, plays Winter...
Price 41,97 €Snow globe elk, the scene inside the globe rotates to the...
Price 47,86 €Snow globe with Christmas tree and train. The train rotates...
Price 47,86 €Snow globe walk in the snow. The scene inside this 100 mm...
Price 58,78 €Snow globe 120mm Carousel. The scene inside the globe turns...
Price 49,54 €Glitzerkugel mit einem Durchmesser von 100 mm und einem rosa...
Price 33,57 €Sleigh ride snow globe, the snow swirls automatically to the...
Price 110,04 €Schneekugel 80 mm Rentier mit Geschenken. Die Kugel spielt...
Price 15,08 €Weiße Stadt in einer Schneekugel spielt eine winterliche...
Price 32,73 €Silberfarbene Glitzerkugel „Rehe im Wald“. Der Glitter in der...
Price 37,77 €Snow globe Santa in the forest. Santa sits in the globe filled...
Price 55,42 €Snow globe 150 mm. Illuminated Winter Village with train. The...
Price 56,26 €Glitzer Baumstumpf – Engel mit Tieren im Wald. Der Glitter in...
Price 66,34 €Schneekugel 80 mm Santa mit Baum und Geschenken. Die Kugel...
Price 15,08 €Schneekugel 80 mm Santa mit Geschenk. Die Kugel spielt eine...
Price 15,08 €Snowglobe 100 mm. Santa with a tree and a present. Turns to...
Price 32,73 €Snow globe 80 mm with Santa and a Christmas tree on a silver...
Price 15,92 €Snow globe with Santa and elk. The snow is swirled by the...
Price 32,73 €Winter landscape snow globe, plays the melody “Leise rieselt...
Price 179,79 €Glitzerlaterne - Santa im Schlitten seinem Rentier. Der...
Price 44,50 €Snow globe Christmas tree plays the melody “O Christmas tree”....
Price 31,05 €